Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Diabetic Walking - 5 Things You Need To Stay Motivated

Cardiovascular disease and weight gain are the leading causes of death in diabetics. Walking is one of the best ways to prevent these health complications. Getting motivated is the hardest part, so in this article I'm going to go over some fitness supplies you could invest in to help motivate you to work on your fitness regardless of the weather. Self-motivation is a big part of starting any exercise regimen and unfortunately that isn't something that can be bought at a sporting goods store. However, there are some things that you can purchase to help motivate you even on the days when the weather is convincing you to skip a workout. Snow or rain completely changes things and makes walking difficult. Being cold or wet can be quite messy and may discourage you from going out.


You may be extremely dedicated to your walking routine, however there will be a day when the weather simply doesn't allow it. This is where treadmills come in. They are a great alternative to walking in cold or wet weather. There are a ton of treadmills to choose from. They come in a wide range of sizes and styles allowing you to do different things. If you have any trouble with maintaining your balance, a treadmill wouldn't exactly be ideal for you.

There are a couple of safety precautions in place on treadmills. They have monitors that allow you to adjust the speed and have a safety cord that you can attach to your body, so if you happen to fall the treadmill will automatically turn off. The electric treadmill keeps a log of all of your progress, so you can easily monitor your heart rate, see how far you have walked and view how many calories you have burned.

Go online and do your research before going out and purchasing a treadmill. You can find a great deal of information on the Internet to help you make an educated decision and give you a head start on pricing out models. More importantly, go to your local sporting goods store, like Sports Authority and try different treadmills in person to be sure that you feel comfortable walking on it.

Stationary Bikes

A treadmill may be too expensive or you may not have enough space in your home for one. There are other options to consider, such as a stationary bike. Yes, I know that riding a bicycle and walking are not the same, but riding a bike is better than not working out at all if the weather is preventing you from getting out. They're a good alternative if a treadmill isn't an option for you.

Water Bottles

Regardless of you how to choose to workout, staying hydrated is extremely important. You should keep a water bottle to carry with you. If you are planning to walk in the heat for a long period of time, this is a no-brainer. Holsters for your water bottle come in different styles to fit your liking and needs. You’ll find some water bottle holsters that are insulated and some of them are not. So if you're going to be walking for a long distance its worthwhile to consider the insulated style. Water holsters come with a strap that attaches to your waist for easy convenience so to you can drink without stopping.

Diabetic Walking Shoes

It is very important for people with diabetes to take care of their feet. If you are thinking about incorporating walking into your fitness exercise plan you need to have a good pair of walking shoes. Diabetic walking shoes play a huge role in preventing injuries and your feet will thank you. When buying a pair walking shoes, be sure they are designed specifically for walking and you have the proper fit. Purchase a pair of walking shoes that offer great arch support. Walking puts a lot of stress on the arch of your feet and can eventually cause them to fall, leading to flat feet. The Pedors Stretch Walker shoes are a good choice because they have extra depth and they are available in a wide range of sizes and widths. They are also firm to hold shape and bendable with a lot of cushion. If you already have flat feet, you should not overlook the importance of having good arch and ankle support. Sprained ankles and pulled muscles are quite common in fitness walking, however a good pair of shoes can help prevent these injuries. A high-quality pair of shoes and a low-quality pair of socks don't mix, so invest in a few good pairs of socks as well. Wigwam Diabetic Walker socks were made specifically for people with diabetes that participate in walking. They contain a moisture-wicking fabric called CoolMax® that keeps your feet dry and prevents nasty blisters. Wearing good shoes and socks help prevent other injuries, such as plantar fasciitis as well.


Some people track their walking progress by counting the number of steps they take instead of monitoring the distance they've walked. If tracking your number of steps is a part of your routine, a pedometer is nice piece of equipment to have. These little devices will record how many steps you take, helping you keep track of your heart rate and blood pressure while walking.

There is a wide variety of supplies that you can buy for walking fitness but it really all starts with a good pair of diabetic walking shoes and self-motivation. If you are new to walking, make sure you check your blood sugar levels before, during after walking. The American Diabetes Association says there is no restriction on the types of exercises that diabetics can do, so start walking your way to a healthier lifestyle and enjoy every step of the way.

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